Kevin Millward

KM1 Large Creamware Wibble Wobble Bowl by Kevin Millward

Large ceramic thrown creamware concept footed fruit bowl by Kevin Millward.

Made in 2012.

At the time Millward was exploring the idea of making a thrown poit which could not be recreated by a machine. This idea led to shape which then became a concept which was taken on as a range with Portmerion for Sophie Conran.

This piece is one of the large hand thrown pieces by Kevin Millward for a time decorated in creamware, white glaze or in black using grogg clay.

Hand thrown with details to the clay body due to the wet clay made in the hand by spinning and the fingers. The tension between the wet clay and the design gives rise to a wonky round design. The idea of the further move away from machine made is made with the addition of vertical marks at thirds around the bowl to give further tension to the form.

This is truley a master potter at play with the clay. The form is beautifully highlighted by the clear creamy glaze inside and out to extenuate the markings.

Large thrown bowl with hand ribs and glazed by master potter Kevin Millward.

Size: 19.5cm tall x 24cm wide to rim.

Signed to the base in glaze by hand.


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