The Book Shop

A Northern School Revisited : Hardback Book by Peter Davies published by Clark Art


Only 3 pieces in stock!

30.7 x 24.5 cms (30.71 x 24.51 cms)

Price: £35.00 now available at £15 specially from Barewall art gallery.

Published 2016 by Clark Art Ltd.

General Notes

Published by Clark Art Ltd. This lavishly illustrated 240 page book is a history of the past 100 years of northern art. It is an updated version of Peter Davies iconic A Northern School book originally published in 1989. This new book examines the art scene in Liverpool and Manchester in detail and deals with a number of the major northern artists in depth. A selection of current northern artists are also covered. It is a major reference work for any one interested in northern art.

It also includes North Staffordshire artists Arthur Berry, Jack Simcock and Maurice Wade.

This book can be purchased directly from the gallery. Postage is £8.50

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