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The Queen Who Came to Tea Book by Helen Bradley

The Queen Who Came to Tea Written by Author and Artist Helen Bradley.

First Edition 1978. Hardback with dustcover first published 1978, 32 pages.

First edition Release Date: 1978

Inset in the dust cover says:

"It was a time when a great new adventure was starting for women, when Aunt Mary led a band of suffragettes and even had her picture in the paper for shouting 'Votes for Women' in the House of Commons, which made Helen Bradley's father very cross. Winston Churchill became their M.P. and Father was convinced that motor cars would never catch on., but bought one all the same. There were exciting holidays and new things to see :  a three-masted schooner at the quay in Douglas, pierrots on the sands at Blackpool and Grandpa's new house on the Isle of Man which he bought with the thought that the sail back and forth would do the family good. But most exciting was the day the King Edward and Queen Alexandra rode through the streets of Manchester, a scene which Helen Bradley re-creates as she saw it from atop her Uncle John's shoulders. The next day Aunt Mary assured her that the Queen had indeed come to tea, as Grandma said she might, after the children has gone to bed, and Her Majesty had gratefully learned the secret of making proper Yorkshire pudding."

"The delights of an Edwardian childhood, from a new pair of curling tongs to the roundabout at Lees, are nowhere recaptured with more charm than in the incomparable pictures of Helen Bradley"


A British niave painter of her childhood Edwardian scenes Helen Bradley painting started in her 60's in order to show her grandchildren the happy childhood she remembered.

This is the third of a series of books written to help to raise the profile of her art to all ages.


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